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Results for "tradition: "Shinto""
Shinto A magisterial study of the history of the Shinto religion.
The Inland Sea A new edition of a classic book about Japan and its manifold mysteries, enchantments, and peculiarities.
Shinto A rounded and well-organized guide to this indigenous Japanese religious tradition.
Shinto Meditations for Revering the Earth Stuart D. B. Picken on the spiritual practice of transformation through Shinto purification.
Interfaith Worship and Prayer A teaching story about the importance of working together.
Shinto Meditations for Revering the Earth A handy resource for those seeking a deeper connection with the natural world and rituals designed to evoke reverence.
The Living Way Twenty-seven stories from the life and ministry of this Shinto priest.
Wabi Sabi Andrew Juniper on the beauty of the Japanese aesthetic of wabi sabi, which has been called the art of impermanence.
Where the Dead Pause and the Japanese Say Goodbye Marie Mutusuki Mockett shares views on the Japanese view on imperfect beauty and the concept of wabi sabi.
Where the Dead Pause and the Japanese Say Goodbye An exquisitely written account of a pilgrimage to Japan by a middle-aged American experiencing a whirlpool of grief.